1STEP Combo Pack Ant Killer Gel 35g/syringe + Ant Killer Liquid 8ml + 5 Ant Bait Stations – Easy to Use – Ant Killer – Destroy Whole Colony – Effective for all Ants Type – Tested & Proven by Pest Control Specialist – SG Seller
Best results are achieved by applying the gel / liquid along ant’s trail or just right outside the ant’s nest. Baits would be carried back to their nesting place, where they will spread the effect to the whole colony either by grooming, or by contact. Ants activities would be significantly reduced after application.
Apply in a thin line or in several pea-sized placements (on non-absorbent surfaces) at areas where ants are active. Monitor and reapply when necessary. Scrap-off unconsumed gel/liquid on a regular basis and apply fresh gel/liquid as preventive measures.
Works best for both sugar feeding ants and protein feeding ants.
Use Ant Bait Stations for easy replacement especially at hard to reach area.

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